


  • 合并支付及修改价格的操作

Dear X, If you would like to place one order for many items, please first click "add to cart", then "buy now", and check your address and order details carefully before clicking "submit". After that, please inform me,and I will cut down the price to US$XX. You can refresh the page to continue your payment. Thank you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

亲爱的X:如果您想订购多个商品,请先单击"添加到购物车",然后单击"立即购买",并在单击"提交"之前仔细检查您的地址和订单详细信息。之后,请通知我,我会把价格降到XX美元 。您可以刷新页面以继续付款。非常感谢。如果您还有任何问题,请随时与我联系。

  • 提醒买家尽快付款

Dear X, We appreciated your purchase from us. However, we noticed you that haven't made the payment yet. This is a friendly reminder to you to complete the payment transaction as soon as possible. Instant payments are very important; the earlier you pay, the sooner you will get the item. If you have any problems making the payment, or if you don't want to go through with the order, please let us know. We can help you to resolve the payment problems or cancel the order. Thanks again! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

亲爱的X:感谢您向我们购买。然而,我们注意到你方尚未付款。这是一个友好的提醒,提醒您尽快完成付款交易。即时支付非常重要;你越早付款,你就能越早拿到物品。� �果您在付款方面有任何问题,或者如果您不想完成订单,请告知我们。我们可以帮助您解决付款问题或取消订单。再次感谢!期待尽快收到您的来信。

  • 已发货并告知买家

Dear X, Thank you for shopping with us. We have shipped out your order (order ID:xxx) on (Feb.10th by EMS.) The tracking number is xxx. It will take 5-10 workdays to reach your destination, but please check the tracking information forupdated information. Thank you for your patience! If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.


  • 买家希望提供样品,公司不支持

Dear X, Thank you for your inquiry; Iam happy to contact you. Regarding your request, I am very sorry to inform you that we are not able to offer free samples. To check out our products we recommend ordering just one unit of the product (the price may be a little bit higher than ordering by lot). Otherwise, you can order the full quantity. We can assure the quality because every piece of our product is carefully examined by our working staff. We believe trustworthinessis the key to a successful business. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

亲爱的X,感谢您的询问;我很高兴与你联系。关于您的要求,我很抱歉地通知您,我们无法提供免费样品。要查看我们的产品,我们建议只订购一个产品单元(价格可能比批量订购略高)。否则,您可以订购全部数� ��。我们可以保证质量,因为我们的每一件产品都经过我们的工作人员仔细检查。我们相信,诚信是企业成功的关键。如果您还有任何问题,请随时与我联系。

  • 断货

(out of stock) Dear X, We are sory to inform you that this item is out of stock at the moment. We will contact the factory to see when they will be available again. Also, we would like to recommend to you some other items which are of the same style. We hope you like them as well You can click on the following .........



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