
什么是注册号码(RN)? 和URN一样吗?

1) What is an RN?

RN stands for Registered Identification Number. It is a number issued by the FTC to U.S. businesses that manufacture, import, distribute, or sell products covered by the Textile, Wool, and Fur Acts. Businesses can use this number on product labels instead of the company name.

1) 什么是RN?

RN 代表 注册标识号。这是联邦贸易委员会向制造、进口、分销或销售《纺织品、羊毛和毛皮法案》所涵盖产品的美国企业颁发的数字。企业可以在产品标签上使用此编号,而不是公司名称。

2) Do I have to use an RN?

No. You are required to label covered products to identify the business responsible for marketing the products in the United States or the manufacturer. Therefore, you may put your company business name on the label instead of an RN. The business name is the full name that appears on business documents, such as purchase orders and invoices. It is not a trademark, brand, or designer name, unless that is also the name under which the company conducts business. Alternatively, products may be labeled with the RN or business name of the company that is buying the goods from you, such as a distributor or retailer marketing them in the United States. If you are acquiring finished products from an importer or distributor that markets them in the United States, or a manufacturer, the products can remain labeled with that company's RN or business name. RNs are available only to businesses residing in the United States. However, imported goods can be labeled with the name of the foreign exporter or distributor that markets them in the United States, or the manufacturer.

2) 我必须使用 RN 吗?


3) How do I get an RN?

Apply online. Commission staff will review the application and you will be notified by email. As soon as the application has been approved, you can find your RN number in our RN Search screen. Mailed and faxed applications are no longer accepted until further notice.

3) 我如何获得RN?


4) How long does it take to get an RN?

We usually process online applications within 3 business days or sooner. We will send a response to the email address you provide. If you apply by mail or fax but do not provide an email address, a regular postal letter will be mailed to you instead. If you apply by fax or regular mail, it can take 7-10 business days after we receive a properly completed application. We cannot offer one-day service or preferential treatment to any business, regardless of the situation.

4) 获得RN需要多长时间?

我们通常会在 3 个工作日或更短的时间内处理在线申请。我们将向您提供的电子邮件地址发送回复。如果您通过邮件或传真申请,但没有提供电子邮件地址,我们将向您发送普通的邮政信件。如果您通过传真或普通邮件申请,我们收到正确填写的申请后可能需要 7-10 个工作日。无论情况如何,我们都不能为任何企业提供一天的服务或优惠待遇。

5) Can you telephone or fax my RN?

No. When your RN first issues, we will email it to the email address you provide. However, you can find your number on our website's RN Search screen as soon as the application has been processed and approved. You can search for your RN by entering a key word of your company name.

5) 你们可以打电话或传真我的RN吗?



什么是注册号码(RN)? 和URN一样吗? :https://www.kjdsnews.com/a/1443122.html

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