
What Every Female Should Know-Replica Watches

Sexual Assault is a mandatory concern for every female. Research indicates the following:

Offenders had or used a weapon in 7% of all rapes/sexual assaults.

A threatening presence and verbal threats were used to maintain control over the victim.

Minimal or no force was used in the majority of instances.

The victims physically, passively or verbally resisted the rapists in slightly over 50% of the offenses.

The most common offender reaction to resistance was to verbally threaten the victim, which works.

Sexual Assault is defined as any type of sexual activity that you do not agree to, including:

Inappropriate touching

Vaginal, anal, or oral penetration

Sexual intercourse that you say no to


Attempted rape

Child molestation

Sexual assault can be verbal, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention. Examples of this are voyeurism (when someone watches private sexual acts), exhibitionism (when someone exposes him/herself in public), incest (sexual contact between family members), and sexual harassment. It can happen in different situations, by a stranger in an isolated place, on a date, or in the home by someone you know. Rape is a common form of sexual assault. It is committed in many situations on a date, by a friend or an acquaintance, or when you think you are alone.

Sex Assault Statistics

Persons who married or widowed were equally likely to experience rape or sexual assault.

About seven in ten female rape or sexual assault victims stated the offender was an intimate partner, relative, a friend or acquaintance.

Almost two-thirds of the rapes/sexual assaults occurred between 6pm & 6am.

Offenders had or used a weapon in 7% of all rapes/sexual assaults.

The U.S. Justice Department says one in 33 men in the United States has been a victim of a rape or attempted rape, compared with one in six women (that is rape vs. other types of sexual assault.)

The primary goal of sexual assault may not be intercourse, but rather to possess, dominate, humiliate, brutalize and control.

More than half of sexual assaults go unreported.

Sexual Assault is a slow crime, lasting an average of two hours. Studies from several sources indicate anywhere between one and three hours. In Los Angeles, rape hot-line calls revealed the average length of a rape was 3.5 hours.

Approximately 80% of rapes are wholly or partially planned. The Adversary wants and needs time to satisfy his desires fully.

Most perpetrators, according to recent studies, have normal relationships with women, are often in long-term relationships, married and have children regardless of the gender of their victims.

The sexual assailant may be deceptively charming, then merciless and unreasonable. You will not understand what makes sense to them.


The victims physically, passively or verbally resisted the rapists in slightly over 50% of the offenses.


Only about 5% of all rapists fall into the psychopathic category; the rest have other motivations of power or anger. Most pick out potential victims they believe may be good targets without a fight. They actually may even test these women non-verbally or verbally before determining whether or not to attack. Two recent studies of rape avoidance behavior have shown that the more options a woman knows, the more psychologically ready she is to resist. Sexual assailants may interpret a lack of total and violent resistance as cooperation.

Most experts agree there are 3-4 categories of rapists. 35% of them fall into categories in which they use physical force on victims. THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL RESPONSE TO AVOID INJURY IS A SUDDEN AND VIOLENT COUNTER-ATTACK, AS THIS IS THE LAST THING THE RAPIST EXPECTS. The other 65% use primarily coercion and verbal threats to accomplish the act. These rapists respond well to physical resistance.


1. Risk rises if you are a woman, and you will likely know the assailant.

2. For almost any type of sexual assault to take place, the sexual assailant needs privacy and proximity. DO NOT give it to them!

3. Sexual Assaults are usually planned be aware of what is going on around you.

5. Most sex assaults occur between 6pm and 6am. What are you doing and who are you with during these hours

6. The majority of rapists are not murderers.

7. The majority of rapists will respond to resistance but your resistance MUST be with 100% intent.

2009 Terry Hipp

What Every Female Should Know

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