
Top 5 Ways To Destroy Your Engagement Ring: And How To Avoid Them!-Replica Watches

What better way to say "I Hate This Ring" than to either destroy or lose it! We have compiled a list of the most dubious and common methods of ensuring a lost or damaged ring.
This guide can be used two ways; first for those who are actually out to destroy or lose their ring, and secondly for those who want to take a few extra steps to ensure the safety and security of their most prized possession.

#5. Lack of Security:

The Plot:
If destroying your Engagement Ring is what you want to do, look no further than this tactic. The easiest way to ensure a lost or damaged Engagement Ring is a lack of a solid security system. Leaving Rings out in the open and not having a secure place to store them guarantee their destruction and/or disappearance.
*Disclaimer: This tactic is for the lazy ONLY

Previous Case:
This situation is so common its occurances are not often recorded, but rest assured, this happens every day. Rings are left out "only for a minute" and forgotten, or set on a counter only to "disappear" moments later, never to be seen again.

How To Avoid It:
Luckily, this problem is as easy to avoid as it is to create. Place your ring in the same, safe place every day to avoid accidentally misplacing it. There are many different ways to store your jewelry safely, from lockable jewelry boxes to a high security safe. There is nothing like always knowing exactly where your rings are.

#4. In The Ocean:

The Plot:
This scheme never fails. Wearing your Engagement Ring into any large body of water opens the opportunity to lose it, especially in the ocean. It is a well known trick to run your finger under cold water in order to remove a stuck ring. In order to compensate for the quick drop in body temperature, blood is transferred to your core from places like your fingers, causing them to shrink. Ever heard of shrinkage

Previous Case:
These stories are eveywhere. People who go for a swim in a pool, a lake, or an ocean only to find their Engagement Ring missing. Most are never found.

How To Avoid It:
Don't wear your Engagement Ring when you swim! If you plan on swimming, find a safe and secure place to store your ring (not on the armrest of your beach chair!).Bonus: Combine the cold water with some oily sun screen and you have yourself a surefire way to destroy that Engagement Ring!

#3. Gardening:

The Plot:
Gardening is one of the sneakiest ways to destroy that Engagement Ring you love so much. You are moving around a lot, sweaty, digging in dirt; what better time to accidentally drop that ring off your finger, or set it down in the flower bed and forget about it
Bonus: Don't forget about the effectiveness of the abbrasive earth! Metal is not as invulnerable as you may think. Rocks and dirt will guarantee results; a scratched up and possibly broken ring!

Previous Case:
One woman got very lucky. She found her ring 20 years after she had lost it in her mothers garden (even though it was probably still badly damaged).

How To Avoid It:
Like most of the examples on this list, the simple answer is to just not wear your Engagement Ring while you are gardening. Place your ring in a safe location before you begin that weeding!

#2. Pumping Iron:

The Plot:
This is a double whammy. The gym is one of those "no-go zones" for Engagement Rings. From slamming and banging your ring against heavy weights to people breaking into lockers, there is nowhere for a ring to hide in a gym. If you want to guarantee a lost ring, bring it here!

Previous Case:
There was one such news story about a woman who says she "never wore her rings to the gym." However, one day she was running late to work and felt that she could just leave her wedding rings in her locker at the gym. Sure enough, her rings, valued at $16,000 were gone in no time.

How To Avoid It:
If you haven't gotten the point yet, just don't bring it to the gym in the first place! It is much easier to safely store your Engagement Ring in a safe location at your home than it is to deal with the loss of one.

#1. Lack of Care:

The Plot:
What makes this scheme rank #1 on our list This method is notorious for how quickly it will sneak up on an unsuspecting victim. Rings, like all things, get old and begin to wear. Dirt, Grime, Oils, and general daily use contributes to the gradual decline of the state of your jewelry. How fast they wear down and any permanent damage, however, is completely up to the owner and is determined by how much care is given to the ring. Regular cleanings and inspections alone will drastically reduce the chance of any real damage occurring.

How To Avoid It:
Your Engagement Ring is your most precious possession, it is important that you take care of it as such. It is a common misconception is that taking care of your rings tedious, time consuming, or expensive.

Top 5 Ways To Destroy Your Engagement Ring: And How To Avoid Them!

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