
Different Watches At Different Prices For Different Consumers-Luxury Watches

There is a huge difference between the prices of watches in the market. And some of them are priceless, while some are only several dollars, which can easily confuse consumers. They always think to themselves whether the watch I have bought is consistent with its value. Now let's walk close into the prices of watches and figure out why.

Watches at Low Prices for Low-end Consumers:
These watches usually don't belong to the famous brands, but it does not affect the quality of them. Because the basic watchmaking technics have not been secrets, a lot of small companies are able to produce their own products. Because of the low cost of making watches, they hit the market with a relatively lower price. The watch is just a tool for measuring time for the low-end consumers, therefore, these products are very popular among them.

Watches at Middle Prices for the Middle Class:
These watches generally have beautiful appearances and their qualities are better as well. And watches mean more to these consumers, who begin to purse the inner satisfaction. They are also willing to spend more money to purse what they love. And they are interested in more things, such as travelling and outdoor sports, so there are watches with some special functions intended for them. A large part of profits of the watchmaking companies are from the class, therefore, they pay enough attention to the needs of the middle class.

Watches at High Prices for the High-end Class:
Many well-known brands launch precious watches intended for the class, who mostly are superstars, artists, politicians and entrepreneurs, some of whom are also the endorsers of these products. Of course, the price is out of problem for them. And the styles, colors, sizes and textures of watches are what they really care about.

It is reasonable to have matches at different prices in the market, so that every consumer can get what they need. Meanwhile, every watchmaking company can also find their potential consumers and maximum benefits.

Different Watches At Different Prices For Different Consumers

Previous:Chronograph Watches: Upping The Ante
A wristwatch has now become something of a necessity and is used by almost all of us. Its use is not limited to just functionality, but it has also become a status symbol. In spite of all this, the fact remains that wrist watches have an interesting history.

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