
Beading Patterns: How To Create Beautiful Beaded Jewelry At Home-Replica Watches

Great beading patterns help you to take your hand made jewelry designs to the next level.

When you first start out with beading or perhaps you purchase a beading kit for your child, patterns don't matter too much. You may be working with two or three colors and stringing them onto necklaces or bracelets in a very simple fashion. It is when you get more into beading and want to create more advanced projects that the need to create or purchase patterns arises.

A single-thread necklace using a few different beads is easy to create without a pattern, but when you are dealing with a necklace that circles the neck three times and has a different pattern on each level the project will be much easier if you have the pattern on paper. When you move beyond jewelry to creating beaded purses, hair accessories, clothing, hats, and other items, patterns become essential.

When you work from a pattern you reduce your chances of making mistakes and wasting time redoing things. You can also tell if an idea is going to look right when it is actually completed or not. If colors don't work together or there is a problem with the pattern you will see it when putting your pattern on paper, rather than after hours of working on the beading.

Beading becomes more enjoyable and much faster when you work off of a pattern, so the choice is whether you want to create your own beading patterns or purchase them. If you have a lot of your own ideas of things you want to create with beads you may be able to jump right into creating your own patterns where someone else may need to use someone else's patterns until they get their own creative ideas going.

If you decide to create your own beading patterns you will bring images and ideas from your head into real life. The following process should help you get started creating beautiful patterns that are functional:

1. Get a clear idea of what you want to do with this beading project. Know the shape of the item that you want to make and other physical details. For instance, if you are creating a necklace, earring, and bracelet set make sure you know how many layers or lines the necklace and bracelet will have and what general size, shape, and style you want the earrings to be.

2. Determine how many colors or types of beads you would like to work with. You may want to take a trip to a store that sells a lot of beads so you can find those that perfectly match the image of what you are trying to create. If you are already familiar with different types and colors of beads this step will be easier.

3. Get paper or perhaps a pad of graphing paper and start playing with your pattern on paper. You can either use a code with each different bead type or color corresponding to a different letter or number, or you can actually draw out your pattern. If you have decent drawing skills you may want to sketch out an image of the item and then color or shade in your beads to create the pattern. At the very least, you want to have a line of colors or codes that show the order of all beads for each item being created.

From that pattern you should be able to confirm that you like your idea and carry through with the actual beading process.

Beading Patterns: How To Create Beautiful Beaded Jewelry At Home

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