
Antarctica Exploration As A Learning Tool-Replica Watches

It must have seemed an especially warm homecoming after 18 days in the icy ground of Antarctica. After nearly three weeks staying at the bottom of the world, four members of the Antarctica expedition had returned home to a hero's reception. This is just an unbelievable emotional event, this is history.

The unwanted weather withheld the scientific quest in Antarctica for about 10 more days than expected, hence, as soon as the arrival day finally came, the homecoming celebration was set. Immediate family members and friends sat on the black plastic airport chairs peering out the large windows on the landing field and glancing at their watches about an hour before the airplane had reached its destination. Down the hallway, there were 25 students gathered with teachers and parents, nibbling turkey sandwiches and were about to pamper their teacher with hugs.

There were gifts such as heart shaped balloons, a dozen of roses and a welcome banner with images of penguins on it provided by the welcome troops. The four team members brought two bags of meteorites which will later be photographed, cut open and tested and tales of a mission accomplished. The expedition also included two retired NASA astronauts, a NASA scientist and a Chicago resident who, contributed significantly in funding part of the expedition. The mission draws the group to the Patriot Hills of Antarctica, South Pole and Thiel Mountains even if it isn't as high as the Rockies, but just as stunning.

Arriving in the States, there was a complaint made with regard to the technology brought along the trip. Failing to function were the satellite phones. These were constant reminders of what they left behind. He will be back at where he serves as professor of astronomy and geology, readjusting to life on a populated continent.

This kind of adventure in an unfamiliar territory was not the first one for these people. From the coast of the Black Sea last summer was where two of them and their scientific team were able to view the solar eclipse in Turkey. In Antarctica they stayed for a few more days unexpectedly and they experienced the same thing over there. They went over for the eclipse and stayed for the earthquake, referring to the massive earthquake that rocked the country. Around 5.5 was the magnitude of the earthquake that they felt because they were 200 miles away from its epicenter.

He said that the best part of the less frightening Antarctica trip was the camaraderie other than the images of blue ice fields and the snow covered scenery. When it comes to the team that had a retired NASA scientist it was described as an exclusive club. But they're down to earth people no pun intended, very easy to talk to, very easy to be with. Much fun and zero egos is what they believed in. Their days in Antarctica, even the unanticipated ones, were filled with reading, talking, cross country skiing, and snowmobiling.

It was about a month ago when a the 24 year old team member shared with reporters and staff members her outfit for the trip and it includes boots, goggles, heavy gloves, and an energetic smile. Upon her return she wore jeans, a sweatshirt, sneakers, and her cheerful smile. Her voyage to the Mars like continent was a result of her using space science in her classes. It was a mind blowing learning experience for the students. Learning happens when things are tied in. Having an explorer for a teacher means that kids live science and history.

For her experiments during the trip, they were about temperature, rocks, and gravity, much like what students back home are doing. What they used to send the data to the 11 classrooms were satellite phone and email. It was extremely funny hearing all the questions and answers. Comical was how the answers all differed from each other. Her experience taught the students that data can be a little different when performed in a snowy desert with temperatures plunging to well below zero.

Antarctica Exploration As A Learning Tool

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