
Amethyst Metaphysical Properties-Replica Watches

Amethyst is the mineral quartz, with a hardness around 7. It is beautiful and durable purple gemstone and is great for everyday wear. Amethyst comes from the Greek amethystos which means not drunken . The amethyst is a clear purple, violet or mauve form of the mineral quartz. Its color range from very pale mauve to deep violet, and the most valuable one seems to be the deeper colors, translucent and allows light to pass through it.

Purple has long been considered as a royal color and therefore the gem has enjoyed importance as an insignia of power. Fine amethysts were featured in the British Crown Jewels and they were also a favorite of Catherine the Great as well as Egyptian royalty. Since amethyst is believed to has a wide range of metaphysical uses, the gem is considered as one of the most popular of the quartz group and valued by mineral colectors for its beauty.

Amethyst is associated with water. It is a wonderful meditation and healing mineral. For those who want to enhance your intuition and increase your psychic abilities, amethyst is the great stone for you. It is also a stone of peace and wisdom which allows the information received to be used appropriately. The gem is said to aid in bringing serenity, gaining inner peace, enhance mental powers, attract positive energy and calming ones mind.

Amethyst was worn as talisman in order to ward off the intoxicating powers of Bacchus. Since the middle ages, Bishop s rings have been set with this February birthstone as a symbol of celibacy and piety. Leonardo da Vinci believed that the stone has the power to protect people against evil thoughts and sharpen the intelligence. Amethyst was believed by Buddhists to be the suitable stone used for deep meditation as it enchances peace and tranquility. Amehyst is commonly used to relieve headache, drive off insomnia, sugar inbalance and gemeral edginess.

Mined mainly in African countries like Namibia and Zambia, also Brazil, Bolivia and Uruguay. Brazilian amethysts can be found in huge sizes, but they are generally moderate in color and the gems often suffer from color banding. Many amethyst lovers prefer the more richly colored and smaller stones coming from Zambia and, more recently from Uruguay. One of the best way to clean amethyst is to use mild dish soap and toothbrush, scrub behind the gem where dust can collect. To prevent the gem from color fading, avoid exposure to high heat.

Amethyst Metaphysical Properties

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