
The Standards To Evaluate Diamonds-Replica Watches

Now even common people could try to evaluate diamonds as long as they obey four standards to evaluate diamonds.

First, we could observe its color. The diamond will be the best if it is colorless, and the deeper the color of it, the worse the quality it has. Among the levels of colorless diamonds, the best color is D color, and then the quality will be worse in descending levels.

Second, we could evaluate the diamond according to its clarity. The classifications of the clarity depend on the location of the inclusions, size and different amount. It could be divided into FL, IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2, SI1, SI2, SI3, P1, P2 and P3 from the high to low. We could observe the clarity of the diamond under the microscope in ten times, and the more flaws and the more obvious the location the diamond has, the worse the quality the diamond has, and the price will be reduced relatively.

Third, we could also evaluate the diamond depending on the carat. Under the condition that 3C of the diamond is the same, the price of the diamond will have a positive relationship with the weight of the diamond, and the heavier the weight is, the higher the price will be. The weight of the diamond takes carat as the unit, and one carat will be divided into one hundred parts on average, and every level will be separated by a comma, and it will have a big difference in price even it just misses one point.

Fourth, the cut is also very important. An original diamond will catch no attention at all even when it is thrown on the road, and it is the cut that gives the diamond the second life, making it brilliant and shining. And the cut could be divided into the cutting proportions, polishing and decorating degree, and as for the diamond with the best cut, the reflected lights could achieve a proportion similar to perfect.

The Standards To Evaluate Diamonds

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