
Men's Chronograph Watches - Some Buying Advice

Have you ever experienced a moment when you're walking down the street and you look in the window of the jewelry store the latest TAG Heuer, Breitling or maybe an Omega chronograph watch, and you whisper to yourself "I've just got to have one of those?"

So where's the best place to buy one: online or in your local store? And what if you can't afford it, should you buy a replica or a fake?

Let's talk about the fake watches first. Yes, they're readily available and easy to pick up online and 99.9% of people won't know the difference between the fake and a real one, but I'm going to give you 4 very good reasons why you should not be tempted down this road, apart from the fact that you'd be breaking the law!

  1. Every time someone comments on your great looking watch your inner voice is going to be shouting "Fraud, fake, cheapskate." What effect on your self-esteem, confidence and self worth will this have?
  2. One day someone will notice the watch you're wearing is not the genuine article. This will be a bad day for you, a really bad day.
  3. A genuine quality men's chronograph is something you will pass onto your son with pride. This will be a day he will always remember. What are you going to do with the fake? What's going to happen if you pass away suddenly and he finds out dad was a fraud?
  4. The simple truth is the fake will last no more than 6 months and some internet scam artist or local low-life has your hard earned money in his pocket and there's nothing you can do about it. Also, when it does finally fall apart you won't be taking a visit to the local jewelry store to get it repaired.

A genuine quality men's chronograph watch is an investment. Primarily, it's an investment in you but with the potential added bonus that some chronograph watches, especially the Swiss made ones, will increase in value over time. Now let's move on and look at where to buy your chronograph?

The Internet

There's a couple of trusted watch sellers online in the U.S. and U.K. I won't name them in this article as these companies may change, be taken over or even change their name. What I do recommend is you always do your homework and only consider the ones that have been trading for at least 5 years which is a long time online. Make sure their address and contact numbers are published and call and check them out. Always, always buy online with your credit card. Should the company go to the wall before dispatching your watch you'll get your money back. Same goes for the unlikely event it's a fake.

A massive incentive for making your purchase with the internet sellers is the great discounts on offer as they're overheads are low compared to the stores.

Whilst there are honest, genuine sellers of quality watches on eBay, I'd strongly advise you to stay well clear as it's very easy to get duped and potentially lose a lot of money.

The Store

Bottom line is you'll pay more at a store, but you'll have the benefit of trying the various watches before you buy. You'll get to feel the weight and admire the quality, seeing it first hand before you commit to the purchase. You also have the benefit of a knowledgeable assistant. If you know more than the assistant consider another store.

A store purchase should be safer than an online purchase but still check them out. If they're selling new watches by the famous Swiss watchmakers, you should feel very confident. Also, the latest models always tend to be in the stores first, however this is slowly changing.


Most of all, enjoy your purchase and wear it with pride. You've made a great decision and will be in the company of the elite; national leaders, top sportsmen, successful entrepreneurs and those with the heart and spirit of an adventurer have all made the decision to purchase and wear a quality chronograph watch. You'll soon learn to appreciate the benefits of owning a quality men's chronograph which communicates the time, but also communicates integrity, style and success.

Men's Chronograph Watches - Some Buying Advice

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